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Vecinos Meeting Update

February 4, 2015 0

      The recent item on the Vecinos meeting needs an update.  It said that the agenda and proxies were posted on the Vecinos website.  At present Vecinos is unable to post to their site.   However, you can access the agenda and proxy form from the Vecinos office ([email protected]) or from Tandy Muir-Warden at [……]


Times 2

February 1, 2015 0

1Times 2 —   #1—Today at 2:00 am, clocks were moved 1 hr. forward along the Riviera Maya.  We now match up with U.S./Canadian eastern time zone.  Two more sources have said that we won’t participate in daylight savings time.  Vamos a ver … #2—To celebrate  Constitución Day, many banks and businesses [……]


Carnaval 2015

January 31, 2015 0

If you’re looking for some major fun in February, Carnaval 2015 is it!  Several area cities are hosting pre-Lentan celebrations, and if you plan carefully you can get in on them all. Nilvia Lizama, Delegada of Chemuyil, has announced that Chemuyil will celebrate Carnaval 13-17 February.     Carnaval Tulum 2015 will run from [……]


North Akumal Owners’ Meeting

January 31, 2015 0

The following is info regarding the North Akumal Owners’ Meeting coming up this month —                                North Akumal Vecinos Meeting February13, 2015 10:00 am La Buena Vida Restaurant —  Upstairs Dan Freeman, Membership Chairman of Vecinos de Akumal Norte AC recently e-mailed North Akumal owners announcing the upcoming annual meeting [……]


Best Shirt January, 2015

January 31, 2015 0

                Best Shirt  January , 2015                                                             Winner Kevin “Redbeard” McKee and Mary


Comings & Goings, January 2015

January 31, 2015 0

Comings & Goings, January 2015.  It was a busy month in Akumal with many Comings and Goings due, in part, to various HOA meetings. AkumalNow sighted many familiar faces including — Michele Connor of Akumal Sur Maureen Bailey is in Punta Sur Kathy Farrell, Sharon and John Winkel, Frank and [……]


What’s New in Akumal?

January 31, 2015 1

Here’s a big what’s new in Akumal — Vista del Mar Hotel and Condominiums is undergoing a name change.  Owners say it will take some time to completely change over.  In the meantime, a sign colorfully displaying the new name is in place —               And there [……]


Emergency Data Format

January 31, 2015 0

With an ocean on one side and Federal 307 on the other, it’s a wonder any of us is still alive!  Long time snow bird Shirley Pogodinski has developed an emergency data format that she carries with her — just in case.  It has information that health care personnel would find useful if they’re [……]



January 31, 2015 0

Paul Sanchez Navarro Russell, local activist, has worked for over 10 years on environmental and social issues of Akumal.  He explains that  a new tourism cooperative in the Pueblo of Akumal has been formed: Cooperativa Guías Ecológicos Nativos de Akumal.  This group of nearly 100 local residents has incorporated important goals [……]

Akumal Ambulance

Akumal Ambulance Update

January 31, 2015 0

Here is an update on how things are progressing with the Akumal Ambulance.  In its first month, starting Dec 10, 2014, the ambulance crew attended more than 20 emergencies in the local area which included a car accident, a number of semi drownings, and a decompression incident.  Through speed of [……]