Los Angeles Verdes: Mexico’s Green Angels

If you travel along Rt. 307, you have most likely seen the green and white trucks.  These trucks belong to the Ángeles Verdes, or the Green Angels.  They are a very good resource when you are driving in Mexico.

Ángeles Verdes was established on September 15, 1960.  Mexico’s Secretaria de Turismo, SECTUR, oversees the Green Angels Corporation.  You can request help from the Green Angels by dialing 078 from any phone in Mexico.  A truck will come to your location between the hours of 8 am to 6 pm.  Drivers can assist you with minor car repairs, fuel, provide first aid, or offer information regarding road conditions, tourist attractions, emergency services or crime assistance.  After hours, the phone operators will assist you with the best course of action.  The phone operators are all bi-lingual and can point you in the best direction to take.  Operating 24/7 and 365 days a year, they can also offer helpful resources.  State of the art technology is now being used, which has replaced the original amateur radio system that was used for 40 years.

There are over 300 vehicles on the road, averaging 60,000 km per day on patrol.  Over 770 public servants work for the Green Angels.  The services they provide are free, with the exception of parts for repair or towing fees. They will never ask you for a fee; however, if you are in a bind, a nice tip is more than welcome.  I have been fortunate enough not to have needed their service.  However, I have 078 programed into my phone.

Here is a list of what the Green Angels can do for you.:
* Information about destinations, state and regional attractions and services in the area
* Mechanical assistance and emergency radio support
* Assistance in case of accidents
* Assistance to the public in case of disasters
* The Green Angels are trained in auto mechanics and carry tools and space parts so they can preform emergency or temporary repairs . They will change tires, deal with an overheated engine, or replace a gas pump. They also carry fuel and will arrange for towing.
* Trained in CPR, the Green Angels can administer first aid in the event of an accident or a medical emergency. They can help you contact local hospitals and emergency support services, and can preform necessary life-sustaining medical treatment in certain situations until an ambulance arrives. They can also assist you in reporting or seeking shelter from a crime.

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