Relieve Work-From-Home Pains

Stretching can help relieve pain and improve blood flow to your muscles.  “Motion is lotion,” said Ellie Somers, a Seattle-based physical therapist. Here are three simple stretches to try.

1. Stretching your wrist flexors and extensors“prevents the wrist from getting locked into a smaller range,” she said.

2. At the computer, we also tend to pull our shoulders upward and lean our head toward the screen. Three- to five-second shoulder shrugs can help. “By actively shrugging and then letting go, the brain is made aware of the unhealthy height of the shoulders,” Dr. Bales said, and it resets accordingly.

3. A number of upper-body muscles tend to contract when you’re hunched over your computer, Dr. Bales said. Stretching your back and chestby clasping your hands behind your head and squeezing your shoulder blades helps open up the chest and the shoulders. 

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