Recycling in Akumal!

Recycling in Akumal?  Yes, we know, recycling is something that many countries have been doing for decades now. But here in the Riviera Maya it can be very difficult to get someone to 1) pick up the recycling on a regular basis and 2) actually recycle it, instead of dumping it somewhere in the jungle. Many houses and complexes separate out the recycling only to have the trash trucks take it all as rubbish. Now it can actually get recycled!

CEA provided recycling for a short period, but for some reason or another they stopped without notice. Jen with Turtle Bay has been working hard on getting recycling brought to Akumal for good! Working with former CEA director Paul Sanchez-Navarro and his new non-profit, they have a plan that is poised to succeed for the long term.

The Service

The person contracted to pickup the recycling will do so multiple times a week. He works with multiple recycling centers in Playa del Carmen that are all certified, meaning they actually recycle the stuff. He is providing the pickup service for free because he really cares about recycling, and selling the recyclables to the centers will net him enough to cover his costs.

The Containers

Recycling in Akumal
Recycle Bins

Jen succeeded in locating a company that not only makes durable recycling bins, but also ones with a 5 year warranty.  They’re made from recycled plastic and are recyclable when they reach end of life. The company is named Imagenia and they make all sorts of cool things from recycled materials such as furniture, decking, and playgrounds.

The recycling containers are not cheap and Jen needs donations to help get more containers out there; they not only keep Akumal beautiful, but also help the environment. Recycling bins are also available for houses and condo complexes in Akumal. Pickup of the recycling is free and the Tulum trash crew has been informed that these bins are not to be emptied as trash.

Other Cleanup

A sample of the large amounts of recyclables that currently just go to a landfill.

In addition to recycling, trash can also be a problem in the Akumal entrance. A few weeks ago many of the property managers organized a trash cleanup party. They loaded up scores of bags of trash, digging deep into the jungle to root it all out. Jen estimates that over 80% of this was plastic and recyclable.

In addition to cleanup projects by various members of the community, Jen is paying a person 2-3 times a week to clean up trash and keep the Akumal entrance road and sidewalks clean. Thanks, Jen!

The Education

Once containers are in place, both in Akumal Playa and Pueblo, then education needs to begin. Education on trash is one of the purposes behind Paul’s non-profit so he is a perfect fit for this project. It’s common in local cultures to throw trash to the side of the road, because that’s more convenient than taking it with you.

Now before you get all negativeDontMessWithTexas, you might remember just 30 years ago when the United States had a similar problem. Everyone just threw trash out the window of their vehicle without a second thought. In the 70s the Keep America Beautiful foundation ran their tearful Native American ads with some impact, but the big cultural changes came in the mid-80s when Texas started their Don’t Mess with Texas campaign against litter. They did research and created ads targeting the 18-35 year old males projected as the biggest littering demographic. In just four years they reduced litter over 70%. Many other states then followed suit with their own campaigns. A few years later national roadsides were transformed and the entire nation was educated regarding trash. Jen and Paul are hoping that a little education down here can have a similar impact.

How Can You Help?

If you are interested in giving a donation for the recycling bins, to help fund the regular cleanup at the entrance,  or if you want to purchase a bin for your condo or house please contact Jen at [email protected] . She can work with about any kind of donation (Cash, Credit, PayPal) and if you would like a factura she can provide one of those for you as well.

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