MGC Tip of the Month: March 2018


             Sago Palm

The Sago is not a true palm tree but a Cycad, plants that were around with the dinosaurs during the Jurassic period. They are a seed plant with a crown of large compound leaves and a stout trunk. The mature plant can eventually reach 10 feet, though they are slow growing.

The Sago can grow in full sun but will do better in partial shade which allows the leaves to grow larger making a more dramatic plant. The soil must be well drained or the root can rot. Sand and compost work well as a mix with dirt. Sagos can be damaged below 30° F., so here in the Yucatan, they are fine outside in the garden. Fertilize once a month when the plant is actively growing in the spring and when first planting it.

Water the plant when the soil begins to dry out and about every five to seven days if there is no rainfall. Once the plant is well established, it requires no additional watering than rain.

Pruning is usually not necessary unless you do it to achieve a certain shape. Old leaves or cones usually break off as soon as new appear and need no cutting.

You will see Sago palms used also in pots at entrances and in hotels and for landscape focus. They can be planted in pots indoors, but here it is not necessary as we never have the cool temperatures that could cause damage.



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