Travesia Sagrada Maya 2015 – with some of our own


Travesia Sagrada Maya 2015 — The Sacred Mayan Journey recreates the yearly pilgrimage of the ancient Maya, who braved the ocean in their canoes and crossed to the island of Cozumel to worship the goddess Ixchel.  The reenactment of this event has been hosted for 9 years by Xcaret.  Four Akumalians including Rocio Cüe participated this year.  This is an event of strength – not only physical but mental strength is necessary to complete the 50+ km. round-trip pilgrimage to Cozumel by canoe.  The team from Akumal included  Nayeli Aparicio, Rocio Cüe, Mónica Gordillo, and Kerstin Rohwer.  Rocio participated for the first time this year with encouragement from Nayeli, who has participated for  the last 3 years.

The women began training 6 months before the race.  They scheduled  1-1/2 to 2 hour sessions 3 days a week of swimming, rowing, yoga, and strength training, beginning at 6am.  Rowing is stressed because this is serious full-body paddling in the ocean.  The expectations of the participants were very high and tests were done throughout training to be sure that all could continue to pull their weight with the team.  The trainings were very serious and strict, as the women  knew that only the physically and mentally tough could endure; when physical strength runs out, mental concentration and self discipline must kick in.

A total of 37 canoes completed the journey this year.  One canoe, made of wood like the original boats, held the costumed dancers who performed when they landed in Cozumel.  The other canoes were made of fiberglass. Ten participants loaded each boat at 3am on the morning of the race.  They prepared the traditional Maya makeup and dressed in costumes, then off to Cozumel!  Rocio had attended a class to learn how to apply the traditional makeup and did so for her team.

This year the water was relatively  calm, and they made it in 4-1/2 hour from Xcaret to Cozumel. The participants must stand and change positions in the boat every 45 minutes while trying to keep the canoe balanced, which is difficult during wavy times.  No flipped canoes for the Akumal team!  On shore the traditional dance and ceremony to honor Ixchel were held and then the team got to bed early, for they were back in the boat on their way to Xcaret at 6am the next day.  Upon their return to Xcaret a grand welcome was held, with the participants who were brutally destroyed physically and overwhelmed with emotion hugging, crying, and congratulating each other and themselves.  With drums beating and parrots flying overhead, the participants reflected on an experience of a lifetime and realized that anything you put your mind to is possible.

Mind, Body, Spirit – these participants have it all!!  Congratulations to all participants, especially the women of Akumal!


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