
Old Akumal Business – New Location

September 25, 2014 0

An old Akumal business has a new look.  Lucy’s Ice Cream has opened a shop on the entrance road.  Hours are 11 – 7 daily.  Of course, you can still grab a cone at Turtle Bay!


September Comings and Goings

September 24, 2014 0

September was a pretty quiet month around Akumal! Lol Kanaab was visited by Ellen and Bruce Eanet Seven Seas saw the return of – Bay and Chris Haas – Nance Walker – Sharn Hampton…Sharn is off to start her new life in France Allison and Dean Keegan were  back in [……]


Invitation to the Sunday Salon

September 23, 2014 0

  Hola! YOU ARE INVITED…This Sunday, September 28 is the first Sunday Salon for the Akumal International Artist Residency .THIS Sunday meet new international residency artists Michael Olivo, Sarah Alden & Alexis Brooke Felder as they share works in progress, lively discussion and vino with us under the stars! There is limited seating for these events, and so [……]


We Got a “Cool Beach Bar”

August 31, 2014 0

Steve Clouther sent along USA Today‘s article about the 5 coolest beach bars in Riviera Maya.  Why?  Because North Akumal’s own La Buena Vida is featured.  The writer mentions the sand floors, swings, crow’s nest, and Day of the Dead décor.  Also singles out some of the signature cocktails and shots, such as the Maya Kiss [……]


WOW! Akumal cute!

August 31, 2014 0

Vista del Mar hotel in North Akumal has had a facelift! Doesn’t it just make you smile!


Sargassum-A New “Dirty” Word

August 31, 2014 0

“SARGASSUM” – some of us have learned a new dirty word this August. It’s ok, say it SAR-GAS-SUM, seaweed that floats into tropical areas with shallow waters and coral reefs. Sargassum is a form of seaweed named by the Portuguese sailors who found it in the Sargasso Sea, and was noted by [……]