
New CEA Director Appointed

February 16, 2015 1

    Hector A. Lizarraga-Cubedo has been appointed as the new CEA Director.   He comes with a long list of experience via his participation on local, state and national committees for environmental issues that focused on marine and fisheries, natural protected areas, biodiversity, coastal management, hydrological processes and environmental education.   For [……]


Veggie Market Reminder

February 15, 2015 1

Did you know that Akumal has a fruit and veggie market?  Fresh produce is available on Wednesday and Saturday each week from 8am to 5pm. The market is located across the street from Super Chomak at the back side of the shopping area. Beautiful, fresh produce you can enjoy weekly — check it out! [……]


Annual North Akumal Owners Meeting

February 15, 2015 0

  The 3rd Annual North Akumal owners meeting (Vecinos de Akumal Norte AC) was held 13 February 2015 at La Buena Vida. Membership in the Association now totals 52, thirty-five of whom were present or represented at the meeting. The cost of membership in the Association has been increased to $3,000 [……]


Super Bowl Fundraiser a Great SUCCESS!

February 14, 2015 0

The annual LolHa Super Bowl fundraiser was quite a success — that’s “GOOD to KNOW”. This year’s recipient was the Akumal Secondary School lunchroom project. The funds raised at the event were matched by Laura Wolfe for a GRAND TOTAL of $80,609mx!!! So great to see so many residents and [……]


Early Valentines Day Activity

February 12, 2015 0

How about this for an early valentines day activity: Come one, come all and  celebrate (or taunt) the holiday in a poem writing class! Friday—-with just enough time to wrap up your handmade gift for that special someone…or not.  Friday,  February 13, 5pm                  LOVE POEMS FOR DUMMIES (A Valentine’s Day [……]


Good News for Exercisers!

February 12, 2015 0

Good news for exercisers! This year Budha Gardens Spa owners Juan Gonzalez and Lorinda Campbell Gonzalez began offering fitness classes – Zumba and Pilates.  They plan to make available a personal and group trainer, as well as a nutrition advisor. The Spa is located on the south side of the little road just [……]


Extreme Makeover Akumal Edition…and Comments

February 6, 2015 0

OK, so this isn’t about fashion or face as you might think. But given your feedback and some input from our web guy, we figured our site could use an extreme makeover in the navigation department. While we enjoyed AkumalNow v 1.0, we noticed that the massive top image could lend itself to mouse finger [……]

No Picture

Vecinos Meeting Update

February 4, 2015 0

      The recent item on the Vecinos meeting needs an update.  It said that the agenda and proxies were posted on the Vecinos website.  At present Vecinos is unable to post to their site.   However, you can access the agenda and proxy form from the Vecinos office ([email protected]) or from Tandy Muir-Warden at [……]


Times 2

February 1, 2015 0

1Times 2 —   #1—Today at 2:00 am, clocks were moved 1 hr. forward along the Riviera Maya.  We now match up with U.S./Canadian eastern time zone.  Two more sources have said that we won’t participate in daylight savings time.  Vamos a ver … #2—To celebrate  Constitución Day, many banks and businesses [……]