Mexican Do-Not-Call Registry

A good number of ex-pats who are living in Mexico have given up their US cellphones and bought Mexican.  Why? Mexican cellphone plans are much cheaper than those in the US.  For example, my Telcel plan allows me to contact  Mexico, the US, and Canada for $200 pesos /30 days.   Eleven bucks as opposed to whatever one pays in El Norte.  Unfortunately, Mexico has many telemarketers and survey-takers that are just as annoying as their counterparts in the States.

The good news is that Mexico has a do-not-call registry, Registro Público para Evitar Publicidad (REPEP), that operates similarly to the one we used in the States.  Of course, it’s only good for annoying Mexican phone numbers.

How to use the service:

#1:  go to the official website   You’ll see this:

Registro Público para Evitar Publicidad (REPEP)

No es competencia de la Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor las llamadas telefónicas que realicen proveedores de servicios financieros, bancos, seguros, afores, las personas con funciones de cobranza, las organizaciones políticas, las entidades de beneficencia y los encuestadores telefónicos.

Te invitamos a que te inscribas en el Registro Público para Evitar Publicidad llamando desde la Ciudad de México, Guadalajara y Monterrey al 55 96 28 00 00 y desde el resto de la República Mexicana al 800 962 8000.

#2: Click on the first option, “registra tu numero”  You’ll see this:

Registra tu número

Registra tu número telefónico fijo o celular en el REPEP. Recuerda escribir la lada y número sin guiones ni espacios.

Recuerda “044” y “045” no son Ladas



*Campos obligatorios             
#3: continue…
♦ Enter your 3-digit area code where it says “lada”
♦ Enter the remaining 7 digits where it says “teléfono”
♦ Enter the area code and number with no spaces or dashes where it says “confirmación del número telefónico”
♦ Under “sectores” choose the type of calls to avoid.  For all of them, check “todos”
♦ Click the square “Registrar” and you’re finished!

To confirm that your info has made it into the Registro, go back to the beginning and click “consulta tu registro”.  Enter your phone number and you’ll see it.

— Thanks Mexican government and Kai K!



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