1st Annual Survey Results – THANK YOU!

bean reading paperThe 1st annual survey results are in and we would like to give a big THANK YOU to all of those who participated. We received well over 200 responses, most of which completed the short answer responses.

Overall you agree with our direction, but have a few comments to make our publication even better.  Here is some of the feedback we received:

We need insight into the actions of the municipality that affect Akumal” 
“Reports on the pueblo”

⇔Hear you loud and clear. We had already begun discussions on adding news from the pueblo and government. We’re seeking help from the mayors of Akumal and Chemuyil, hoping to have regular news of events.

“Love the photos”
“more picture”

OK, I think you guys want more pictures. None of us are expert photographers, but we will do our best to get more photos. Also, if you have a good photo you want to submit to us, please drop us a line in our Ideabox.  If it involves an event, info on cost, date, time, etc would be of interest.

“Current local approach is good.”
“Just avoid political opinion. :)”
No “political crapola”

We are locals and we are volunteers.  The want to provide fact-based info when the truth can be found and avoid getting in the middle of political disputes.

Of course not everything was so peachy on our survey. Here are a couple of responses that we got on the other side.

“I would suggest having an editor – lots of typos”

As volunteers we can’t really afford a full time editor, but we didn’t think we were doing that bad a job. Maybe it was just this one guy since no one else seemed to complain.

“Municipal activity New Laws. Got to do more than show pics of drunk gringos.”

As far as the drunk gringos, we like to think that we report on more than drunk gringos — and really, some are only a bit tipsy. Yes, each month we have a report on the best shirt contest, and we report on social events such as the Kentucky Derby. BUT, we are a community magazine and as such report on our small community – about 80ish fulltime residents, snowbird owners, and returning tourists, so there will always be photos of social gatherings and other events when the community gets together. You can bet there’ll be photos of the Halloween party, and there will probably be a whole lot of drunk gringos et al there!

All that aside, articles on social events are some of the most read articles on our site (so somebody likes them) and they comprise less than 20% of the articles we write. So, if you don’t like drunk gringos, please read the other 80% of the articles. And if you do like photos of people you know having a good time, then go ahead– indulge!

As always, we welcome feedback from our community. If you have newsworthy information for us, please let us know in our Ideabox.


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