Changes & Rumors Galore in Akumal

Do we have changes & rumors galore in Akumal?  Why, yes we do!                                                 Here’s the first rumor — Go to the site below for interesting chit-chat about the construction project just south of the Akumal Playa entrance.  Have no idea who’s generating it.



Oh, look . . . seems to be repair work in progress
But look . . . seems to be repairwork in progress on a bungalow


Number two — “Someone” is gonna dynamite the bungalows property and put in a “Swim with the Rays” attraction.  OR . . . “someone” is gonna turn the property into a parking lot.  Vamos a ver . . .






Marti Johnston will be leaving Akumal headed for Oregon, where she has family.

Gynna has closed her restaurant and moved with her new husband to Mexico’s west coast.

Paul Gilbert has joined the staff at Akumal Investments.