“No Take” means No Take!
Enforcing the ZRPA
Since the waters of Akumal area were declared a Zona De Refugio Pesquero on April 13, 2015, Program Coordinator of the Coastal Management Program at Centro Ecologico Akumal, Miguel Angel Lozano Huguenin has been working behind the scenes to ensure the declaration is enforced. The Zona (ZRPA) was declared by the branch of the federal government to implement legal guidelines for commercial and sport fishing and to act as a compliment for conservation and sustainability of the fish in the designated area. Although Centro Ecológico Akumal is not an enforcement agency, it’s in charge of overseeing and reporting all infractions of this law.
Recently a homeowner witnessed illegal fishermen with nets just south of Akumal Sur. The homeowner relayed the details of the incident to CEA, which prompted a report to the CONAPESCA that very day. CEA also requested that Tulum officials provide a more immediate presence on the beach.
It is vital that the community start reporting all illegal activity in the refuge area—either directly to CONEPESCA or through CEA. Only when CONEPESCA is made aware of the violations will they make surveillance and presence here a priority. CEA needs your help.
Any time you see or suspect illegal commercial or sport fishing activity action in the ZRPA area, they recommend you note the following:
· Date and time of event
· Place or location where it was observed
· Digital pictures, if at all possible
· Brief description of what you saw
The protected area extends 7.6 km from Yal Ku lagoon to the southern boundary of Hotel Gran Bahía Príncipe, and from the beach 1.5 km seaward.
You can email this information to CEA (pobak@ceakumal.org) either Spanish or English. CEA will then relay the information to CONAPESCA.
For more information about the ZRPA, contact CEA or Que es la Zona de Refugio Pesquero Akumal ingle
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