Akumal Secondary School Pickleball Club

The Akumal Secondary School Pickleball Club has been very successful, thanks to community supporters, weekly volunteers, dedicated school staff, and enthusiastic students.  

The club has been up and running since September.  Every Thursday twenty-four students accompanied by their teacher walk over to meet with volunteers at the Domo.   Three nets are set up to accommodate twelve students at a time, and a rotating schedule is in place to  give everyone equal playing time.  Each week the club works on different skills and objectives.  Besides the physical skills that are being developed, the club strengthens the community and school relationship.  Every session is filled with moments of laughter, discussion, and camaraderie.  This has proven to be a great way be active, have fun, and appreciate one another.  Every student shows support and encouragement for their classmates.

This activity continues to be a very positive experience for everyone involved regardless of skill set — and most definitely for the volunteers!

Giving-Thanks for the timely arrival of the helado guy on the 23rd!


— thanks to Amy C, Akumal Playa

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