
NPR Puzzle: Switcharoo

September 30, 2022 0
THE WEEKLY QUIZ FROM NPR PUZZLEMASTER WILL SHORTZ https://www.npr.org/2022/08/28/1119804026/sunday-puzzle-switcharoo On-air challenge: I’m going to give you some categories. For each one, take the last two letters, reverse them, and use those as the starting letters to name something in the category. Ex. Direction –> NORTH 1. Vitamin 2. Dutch Master 3. [……]

Relieve Work-From-Home Pains

September 30, 2022 0
Stretching can help relieve pain and improve blood flow to your muscles.  “Motion is lotion,” said Ellie Somers, a Seattle-based physical therapist. Here are three simple stretches to try. 1. Stretching your wrist flexors and extensors“prevents the wrist from getting locked into a smaller range,” she said. 2. At the [……]

FYI: Changes

September 16, 2022 0
Two pieces of local information to update  — There’s a change of phone number for Dr. Fabio.  You can reach him through The Reef Clinic, 984-218-5572. Also,  La Buena Vida has moved its re-opening date to  Thursday, 22 September.

First Friday Temp Relocation

September 1, 2022 0
Unfortunately La Buena Vida is closed until 15 September, so this month friends are going to Lol Ha Beach Bar  at 5:00 to see each other. We’ll rendezvous at La Buena Vida again on 7 October.