Elections will be held on February 20, 2024 at the Annual Meeting of the association for President and Treasurer of the association and for two Members-at-Large (Vocales) of the association Board of Directors. All positions will be elected for two-year terms.
Candidates must be members in good standing of the association and must be up to date on payment of association dues. Candidates must have documents confirming property ownership and a signed letter of accession on file with the association, and must have an individual Mexican RFC (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes).
Candidates are requested to email relevant documents to Jon at kantor@pacbell.net by January 20, 2024. Please also include a brief biography indicating your relevant experience. The biographies of all candidates who meet the requirements for office will be attached to the official notice of the Annual Meeting and will also be posted on the association website.
All Vecinos members are required to be up to date in payment of their association dues to participate and vote at the Annual Meeting.
Elections will be overseen by Jon Kantor, Director of Elections, and will be conducted according to the Election Policy Manual approved by the Vecinos Board of Directors. Please click here to review or download the Election Policy Manual.
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