Vecinos Call for Candidates



At the Vecinos Annual Meeting, which will take place in person in Akumal Norte and via Zoom videoconference on February 22, 2024, there will be an election for Vice President and Secretary of the Association, along with five Members-at-Large of the Association Board of Directors. The Vice President and Secretary will be elected for two-year terms. Three of the Members-at-Large will be elected for two-year terms and the remaining two will be elected for one-year terms.

The requirements for the office of Vice President are the following:

  1. Member in good standing of Vecinos de Akumal Norte (i.e. dues are paid for 2023, property ownership has been confirmed and letter of accession has been signed).
  2. Individual Mexican RFC (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes) and permanent Mexican residency. Documents showing that the RFC and residence are in process (en trámite) are acceptable.
  3. Full-time Akumal resident. This can be demonstrated by a permanent resident card plus information on previous year’s actual residence in Akumal and a commitment for the upcoming year.

For the office of Secretary and the Members-at-Large of the Board, only requirements (1) and (2) are applicable. Full-time residency in Akumal is desirable but not required.

Candidates for any of these positions are requested to send a copy of the relevant documents to Jon Kantor, Director of Elections, at [email protected]   by January 22, 2024 together with a brief bio indicating relevant experience. The nominating committee will review the documents and indicate to the board whether the candidates meet the legal requirements. The bios of the candidates will be attached to the official notice of the annual meeting and will also be posted on the website. On request, candidates will be provided with the names and email addresses of Vecinos voting members so they may make direct contact with them.

Jon is also requesting a couple of members to volunteer for the nominating committee. The review will not be time consuming. There will only be one or two short meetings required in mid-January.

Please note that all Vecinos members are required to have paid their 2023 dues in order to participate and vote at the Annual Meeting. In addition, all Vecinos members should have signed and submitted their letter of accession at the time of their membership but in some cases this may not have been completed. The letter may be viewed and downloaded here. Please complete it and return to [email protected]. If you are a co-owner, the letter should be completed and signed by both co-owners.

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