US-Mexico Ferry Update









In case you missed the mailing about the US-Mexico ferry, here’s what we know as of  29 July 2014 about the project’s status:

origOne very large remaining question is the US port and Yucatan port.  United Caribbean is still in negotiations with the ports and is therefore not able to declare the ports at this time.  As soon as the ports and confirmed and update will be sent out. According to Bruce Nierenberg, the company will have a nice introductory offer for our first time users when we start. “We will also have discounts. They will be based on seasonality and when they choose to travel. We intend to make those customers who use us regularly to get the best prices, best discounts  and the most benefits.”

survey introContact Bruce at BNIERENBERG@AOL.COM


Questionnaire for Expats living in Central America for new Ferry Service of United Caribbean Lines

  • Where in Central America is your current home?
  • How many family members reside in your Central American home?
  • Do you maintain a second home in the U.S. or Canada?
  • When you travel to go to the U.S or Canada to visit friends family etc. What is your destination?
  • How many times a year do you make this trip?
  • If you have more than one place you travel to in the U.S or Canada please list those additional destinations
  • How often do you travel to these secondary destinations each calendar year?
  • When you go do you drive or fly? If both what is the approx. % for each?
  • Do you have pets? Do you take them when you return to the U.S or Canada?
  • When you return to the U.S. or Canada do you shop for supplies etc. For your home in Central America?
  • When you travel from your home in Central America to the U.S. or Canada are there times of the year you do most of the travel? If so, when?
  • Do friends and family come to Central America each year to visit you? If so how often?
  • Do you own an RV in Central America?
  • Would you take it on the ferry?
  • What would be the most important reasons you would take the ferry to Florida?

Please number the following reasons in order of importance for using the ferry. Number 1 is the most important and Number 10 is the least.

  • Go back to other homes in U.S. and or Canada ____
  • Visit family and friends ____
  • Shopping ____
  • Vacationing in Florida  ____
  • I can take my car or RV ___
  • Go to Florida to use airports for further travel ___
  • Go to Florida to get on a cruise ____
  • Just to get away for a short trip ____
  • Travel for medical purposes ___
  • Other ( please name ) ______


Additional comments or things you would like us to know to help serve you better with our new ferry service:

Your Name and address in Central America:

Your email address:

Thank you from all of us at United Caribbean Lines

—Tamara Magnusson


Yes, we know an electronic form would be easier, but this is how they are doing the survey. So we really appreciate you writing an email with this information and sending it to Bruce Nierenberg:  BNIERENBERG@AOL.COM