It is the very special time of year for Akumal….May and the arrival of turtle season 2016.
CEA declares the season in Akumal officially open when the first nest is laid. We’ve had two turtles up exploring and testing the sand, but no eggs as of yet. But it is the season and time for all beach-front residents to unite with CEA to do their part in helping protect the endangered species.
CEA holds the license from SEMARNAT (deals with ecology and natural resources) to protect turtles on the 4 beaches of Akumal: Half Moon Bay, Akumal Bay, Playa Tortuga (Jade Bay), and Akumal Sur. You may have seen the Zone signs that were installed last year and tidied up recently. These signs help CEA monitor the beaches and collect data. Meetings with local Homeowners Associations and businesses have been held and information for beach-front owners is being distributed by CEA to inform owners and guests of proper actions to take during season to comply with the federal laws that CEA is licensed to oversee.
It is a federal offense to disobey these laws found in Article 420 BIS of the Federal Criminal Code. Any person who damages, deprives a marine turtle of life, or harvests or stores any sea turtle product and or eggs is subject to fines from one to nine years in prison.
This year turtle talks and walks will be offered by CEA so you have the opportunity to learn more about this amazing creature we are so lucky to have here on our beaches. Contact CEA for more information at their website-www.ceakumal.org. As we welcome these majestic creatures and their young to our beaches, please do your part to cooperate with the CEA Tortuga TEAM 2016 and all trained Volunteers.
Application to be a long term Volunteer can be found on the website or short term Voluntourists can pick up an application in the CEA office.
The Official 2015 Report has been made available in English in a condensed version. The original presentation in Spanish which is submitted to the government and holds much more information is available at the CEA office for review. The data collected every year since 1993 is compiled yearly in this report that helps the Tortuga Team understand more about the behavior of the mothers while on the beaches. This information helps with preparation for the following season. This report is also submitted to Federal Government and required by law for future licensing. Many hours are spent on this report that is full of graphs and charts, history and future needs. CEA has a team of highly qualified, highly educated personnel that do this work for the love of the endangered Tortuga Marina. Below is the link to the condensed version-
Bienvenidos Tortugas Marina 2016!!!!
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