A request from Vecinos de Akumal Norte to update Owners’ names, e-mail addresses, and phone number. From time to time, it is important to have the ability to contact Owners rapidly when the need arises. Vecinos is interested in transparency, and the present listing of Owners is outdated. We know that Owners change, as do their e-mail addresses.
To date, the condos have been contacted via an officer or a personal contact using the old list. A letter for this request was sent that included an attachment showing the present list for a particular condo and appealing for the update. Thus far, many condos have sent their updates, so “BIG THANKS” for these responses.
This same letter will be sent to the houses as well. It may go to “old” Owners, and we ask that you forward to the “new” Owners if you can. If you would like to update your information for Vecinos or verify that present listing is correct, please send to tranquilidadakumal@gmail.com
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