
First Friday – September 2023

September 30, 2023 0

Well, there aren’t many of us around in September, neither tourists nor owners.  It’s down to the hard core locals, those who can’t be driven out by the noise and dust of building repairs and remodels. Sure, we may have to relocate for a bit when the water is shut [……]


Cool It!

September 30, 2023 0

How to Stay Cool Even When You Have to Cover Up Whether it’s Lyme disease, sun hypersensitivity, lupus or melasma, skin cancer treatment or prevention,  acne or  blood-pressure meds — there are lots of reasons to avoid the sun.  But how to stay cool when covered up . . . [……]

Interesting Facts

A Kindle of Kittens & More

September 30, 2023 0

Original photo by Norbert Hentges/ iStock Collective nouns are nouns that refer to groups of people, objects, or — our fun for today — animals. We’re all familiar with “a herd of sheep” and “a flock of birds,” but here are six fun and unexpected collective nouns for other animals. Many [……]


Red Dye That Built Cities in Mexico

September 30, 2023 0

(Eduardo Verdugo/AP)  This red dye was so valuable it built cities. One family in Mexico is still making it the old way One family in central Mexico is struggling to preserve the production of cochineal dye, an intense, natural red pigment so prized that, after gold and silver, it was [……]

Interesting Facts

5 Facts About the Inca Empire

September 30, 2023 0

Original photo by tobiasjo/ iStock The Inca Empire was a powerful pre-Columbian civilization that stretched for thousands of miles, once covering almost the entire west coast of South America. Machu Picchu is probably their most famous achievement, but there is much more to the Inca Empire than some ruins on a [……]


Specials at Lol Ha for Mexican Independence Weekend

September 14, 2023 0

Mexico begins its Independence Day celebration on September 15, 2023, with “El Grito de Dolores”, the Cry of Delores.  September 16, 2023, celebrates this day as Mexico’s Independence Day. Lol Ha will offer traditional Mexican specialties recreated for this special holiday.  Take this opportunity to enjoy some traditional fare that’s [……]


First Friday – August 2023

August 31, 2023 0

As usual, all who showed up at La Buena Vida for August First Friday had a great time!  David took home the trophy for Best Shirt — well, he got to hold it for a minute. Sad to say there won’t be a get-together at La Buena Vida in September.  [……]


Delivery VIP Contact Update

August 31, 2023 0

Juan Carlos has been busy lately, so his mom Julieta has stepped up to run the delivery service.  Her English is as good as her son’s, so don’t worry if your Spanish is …….. less than you’d like it to be. Julieta is on the job Monday through Saturday, 9 [……]