Akumal Turtle Stats

Akumal Turtle Stats thru June 30th

July 3, 2014 0

Akumal turtle stats for June are in. Yes, the mommas and babies are here in Akumal!! Latest count from CEA shows we are well on our way to hatching a bunch of babies this season!!! Remember all the rules for the beach during turtle season.  You can check the CEA [……]


Akumal Area Pet News

June 30, 2014 0

Next Mobile Spay/Neuter Trip is Thursday, July 3 If you would like to sterilize your dog or cat, please bring it to the ball court (Cancha) in the Pueblo at 9am, Thursday July 3. We will take them to the Centro Medico Veterinaria Clinic in Playa del Carmen to be [……]


July Dates to Remember

June 30, 2014 0

                    2    Gerardo Dominguez 2     Isabel Schober 4    Amy Blatner 9    John Chiosso 13   Ellie Humphreys 15   Heather Dooley 17   Joan Gonzalez 18   Gary & Oveta Vardell, Anniversary 22   Bud Blatner 23 [……]


Travesia Sagrada Maya – Sacred Canoe Journey to Cozumel

June 30, 2014 0

              Nayeli Aparicio, owner of MexicArte located just inside the arch, was part of the Travesia Sagrada Maya – Sacred Canoe Journey to Cozumel.  Two other Akumaleños, Gustavo and Eduardo, also participated in the end of May event. According to Nayeli, 35 canoes with [……]


Aquaponics Is Coming to Akumal

June 30, 2014 0

Aquaponics is coming to Akumal!  You may not know about this form of gardening, but you will be enjoying the benefits at the restaurants of Hotel Akumal Caribe soon.  An aquaponic garden is being built to continue the sustainable direction of owner Laura Bush Wolfe. On the grounds of the [……]


June Comings and Goings

June 30, 2014 0

Beryl and Suzanne Van Lierop are in Akumal for the summer Mike and Peggy Stone returned to La Iguana for a visit Ron and Sherry Stern were in town Paula and Neil Humphrys came from Texas. Look for them again in July with daughter, Katie Allison and Dean Keegan were [……]


North Akumal Road Status

June 18, 2014 0

Just what is the North Akumal Road Status?  Well, Vecinos of North Akumal hasn’t thrown in the towel.  According to Henning, one of Vecinos guiding lights, it’s a matter of pulling in enough funds to get back to work.  Funding comes from property owners along the road, businesses, donations, and membership [……]