Nature and Critters

MCG Tip of the Month – Easiest Flowers to Grow on the Riviera Maya

January 30, 2016 0

For January the Mayan Garden Club tells us about the: Easiest Flowers to Grow on the Riviera Maya BOUGAINVILLA Hundreds of iridescent colored flowers cover the bougainvillea. Varieties come in shades of red, white, pink, orange and other new variegated shades. Los Pinos has a great selection. You can see [……]

Nature and Critters

MGC’s Out Your Back Door – Coatis

January 30, 2016 0

This month the Mayan Garden Club is adding a creative outlet for capturing some of the unique wildlife in our area. If all goes well we might see more of these in the future. This is the inaugural article “Out Your Back Door.” Coatis Coatis, also known as the coatimundi, or [……]

Daily&Weekly Only News

La Lunita Presents New Chef & Menu

January 28, 2016 2

          This Saturday, 30 January, La Lunita will present Chef Isaac Lopera from Spain and launch his new 2016 menu.  To celebrate, La Lunita will offer a three-course menu, all items of your choice, for $500 pesos, house wine included.  Our special will be available from [……]


Federal Zone Rights

January 19, 2016 0

What exactly is the Federal Zone?   In Mexico, the term Federal Zone refers to the strip of beach that runs the full length along all the coasts of Mexico.  It’s 20 meters wide measured from the high/low tide marks average.  Technically, the strip is called the Zona Federal Maritimo Terrestre, ZoFeMaT [……]

Who is AkumalNow?

Letter from the Editor!

January 12, 2016 0

What Happened? December was a month of festivities and craziness here in Akumal. Amidst it all we failed at our jobs to put out a great publication. For that we are eternally sorry and will make it up to you in future issues. You may ask yourself, “How do I know [……]


North Akumal Crèches 2015

December 29, 2015 0

Again this season Green Eyes maintenance employees created lighted crèche displays on various properties in Akumal Norte.  The company provided figures and lights, but the employees created the scenes, often adding additional items of their own.  Judges from the community determined the winners of cash prizes, which were awarded at the [……]


January Dates to Remember, 2016

December 29, 2015 0

January Dates to Remember 1 Kelly Colladarci 1 Pablo Díaz 3 Arlene Pargot 3 Thierry VanderElst   3 Paul Rasmussen 3 Patrick Collins 4 Diane & Bob Mather, Anniversary 4 Juan Antonio Huerta 6 Don Papa 7 Oteka & Bill Brab, Anniversary 8 Diane Mather 8 David Richards 9 Nance Walker [……]


Bill O’Reilly’s U.S. Citizenship Quiz

December 29, 2015 0

This U.S. citizenship quiz can be accessed on Bill O’Reilly’s web site.  Since you did so well on the Mexican citizenship test, give this one a shot!  You only need 15 correct answers to pass – that’s a mere 60%. 1. Who is considered to be the “Father of Our Country”? [……]


Annual Tequilaville Children’s Party

December 5, 2015 0

4th Annual Tequilaville Christmas Party      24 December 2015   11:00 – 2:00 Tequilaville is once again collecting  Christmas toys for the children of the Akumal Pueblo.   Please plan to drop off a toy for a child – soccer balls are always a big hit.  Also needed are gifts for the [……]


Time to Give in Akumal Area

December 1, 2015 0

‘Tis the season …. so now is the time to GIVE.  We always are looking for opportunities to help and Holiday time has lots of donation opportunities.  Check out a few here and see what you’d like to do to help.   We will be adding to this list as new [……]