
Getting Gas (plus Top 10 Ways to Avoid Gas Station Scams)

May 14, 2015 4

How gas in Mexico works Getting gas in Mexico is relatively easy, you just need to watch out for scams…more on that later complete with stories. All gas stations in Mexico are controlled by Pemex. This means you don’t have to worry about finding the gas station with the best price [……]


1st Annual Survey Results – THANK YOU!

May 13, 2015 0

The 1st annual survey results are in and we would like to give a big THANK YOU to all of those who participated. We received well over 200 responses, most of which completed the short answer responses. Overall you agree with our direction, but have a few comments to make our publication [……]


Best Shirt April 2015

April 30, 2015 0

Best Shirt April 2015 was well-attended and went off without a hitch and all the usual suspects were there!  Thanks to photographers Marianne Volkmer and Rozanne Quintero.  Discerning, discriminating, and distinguished judges were John Winkel, Marianne Volkmer, and Mary Henderson.


Vecinos de Akumal Norte Update

April 30, 2015 0

    Vecinos de Akumal Norte is continuing to move forward in several areas. First, copies of legal documents that allow Vecinos to act on behalf of North Akumal are ready to go and the process is underway. This is the first step towards regularization of the community. Regularization will [……]

Nature and Critters

Mayan Garden Club Tip of the Month

April 30, 2015 0

Tip of the Month: Why Paint Tree Trunks White Painting tree trunks white is a way of sealing trunks and protecting them. Living in or near the jungle, we have a lot of insects that climb trees and damage the tree. Painting has greatly reduced that. Purposes: 1. To prevent [……]


Celebrate Mother’s Day

April 30, 2015 0

Ready to celebrate Mother’s Day? In the States, it’s celebrated on the second Sunday of May. But here in Mexico it’s celebrated on a fixed date, the 10th of May. This year the celebrations coincide, How did Mexico come to institute this observance? In the early part of the1900s, women [……]


Earth Day 2015 in the Pueblo with CEA

April 30, 2015 0

Centro Ecológico Akumal spent the week of  April 20-23 with the students in Akumal Pueblo educating about our protecting our earth and celebrating Earth Day 2015.  The Primera Federal Francisco Sarabia and José Vasconcelos Telesecundaria, Grades 1-6 enjoyed Earth Day Activities by CEA’s Environmental Education Program and Lydia Main Rosas, Biologist, CEA Environmental Education Assistant.   [……]


Mayan Garden Club Tours Botanical Garden

April 30, 2015 0

Members of the Mayan Garden Club recently toured the Dr. Alfredo Barrera Marin Botanical Garden, near Puerto Morales, for their April meeting.  Located on a large swath of land carved from the jungle, the Gardens are laid out along a 2km path, sometimes interspersed with rocks, so one must be [……]


Turtle Program 2015 Begins

April 30, 2015 0

With the arrival of the first Loggerhead nest on Half Moon Bay 27 April and tracks seen on Jade Beach (Playa Tortuga) on Earth Day 22 April, the CEA “Sea Turtle Program 2015 ” is in full swing ! Mauricio  Aceves Nunez, Coordinator of CEA sea turtles, and his staff of [……]