
A Little Bit about Akumal Bay Situation

February 29, 2016 0

Thanks for writing, Bruce!  Here’s the thing:  we could report what we hear about the Akumal Bay situation, but we wouldn’t be able to vouch for its objectivity or truthfulness.  The social (and anti-social) media as well as the press is full of words, words that have some truth, slanted truth, no [……]


Australian Citizenship Test

February 28, 2016 0

And here’s yet another naturalization quiz. The test is divided into three sections, some more difficult than others.   Passing is 75%, and only 1.1% have failed since testing was started. Hope you do as well as you’ve done on the other tests! Part 1: Australia and its people 1. When did [……]

Akumal Foodie
Akumal Foodie

The Akumal Foodie – Spaghetti alla Checca

February 28, 2016 0

This month’s Akumal Foodie dish is thanks to Akumal’s new Italian restaurant, Taverna Akumal. You may be thinking Spaghetti? But before you dismiss this, read the next part: alla Checca. Checca is a simple but scrumptious topping made with tomato, basil, and mozzarella (and a bunch of other great stuff). [……]


March Dates to Remember, 2016

February 16, 2016 0

 March Dates to Remember, 2016  1 Susan Fry 2 Betty Simpson 3 Shirley Pogodinski 3 Nan Armstrong 5 Bart Smith 5 Bob Doebert 6 Cindy Pappas 7 Karen & Greg Goudy, Anniversary 7 Lou Vitale 8 Steve Clouther 8 Rick Tompkins 8 Jana Boettger 8 McKinlee Anne DePaola 8 Tony [……]

No Picture
Daily&Weekly Only News

Vecinos de Akumal Norte Annual Meeting Info

February 12, 2016 0

Following is the Spanish version of the Vecinos meeting announcement:       Convocatoria para Asamblea Ordinaria 2016 Estimados asociados de Vecinos de Akumal Norte Reciban un cordial saludo por medio de la presente de la parte del Consejo Directivo de nuestra Asociación. Es un honor invitarlos a nuestra asamblea [……]

Daily&Weekly Only News

Vecinos de Akumal Norte Annual Meeting Info

February 4, 2016 0

    Below is information about the Vecinos annual meeting.  It’s followed by the proxy format. Full Membership in Vecinos de Akumal Norte is restricted to owners of property in Akumal Norte. Where ownership is shared, all owners may become members but only one member may vote. Honorary membership in Vecinos [……]


Canadian Citizenship Test

February 1, 2016 0

This is a sampling of the questions that appear on the Canadian citizenship test.  We think non-Canadians will surprise themselves at how much they know about our frozen – but very nice – neighbors to the north.  And personally, we think there should be bonus points for knowing the first line [……]


G-L-O-R-I-A of The Reef

January 31, 2016 0

Many of you know Gloria Simoneaux, a San Francisco CA Woman of the Year, who has owned at The Reef for quite some time. This is a link to her new Harambeearts web site, which is just as colorful and out there as Gloria:   The site explains Gloria’s work, [……]