
What does the Tulum Red Cross do for Akumal?

March 22, 2016 0

Contribution from Marieke Brown. Short answer: A LOT! Our local Red Cross ambulance and crew have been kept very busy since high season began this year. So far this season, they have treated 47 casualties for a variety of accidents and ailments, including car crashes, deep cuts, severe dehydration, falls, [……]


April Dates to Remember, 2016

March 22, 2016 0

April Dates to Remember 2016 1 Marcy Essy 1 Holly Sheffield 4 Diane Firth 4 Maggie McKown       5 Ivan Mauricio Pérez 6 Mary Sue Northcutt 7 Holly Batting 7 Seddon Wylde 8 Sam Goby 10 Michelle Bliss 11 Judy James 12 Didiere Jackson 15 Mónica Estrada 18 Lucy James 18 [……]

Nature and Critters

Rodents With Exploding Butts – The Agouti

March 21, 2016 0

Contribution from our friend Randy of Susan glances sidelong at me. “Randy…you’re not going to…” But I’m not flinching. I’m locked in a predatory stare-down. This is high drama—I stare at the agouti and he stares at me. He is frozen in the road in front of us, in [……]


Do Pemex Guarantee Signs Really Mean Anything?

March 19, 2016 0

Last year we had a report on how not to get scammed at a Pemex. Well, believe it or not, today we have a positive story about Pemex. You may have noticed that some Pemex stations have a sign that guarantees to fix any problems you may have while purchasing gasoline. [……]

No Picture

Vecinos de Akumal Norte News

February 29, 2016 0

The following is an open letter to Members and the general public from Dan Freeman, recently installed Vecinos President:         Vecinos Members, Thank you for entrusting me with the office of the presidency. This responsibility I will carry out to the best of my ability. I bring to [……]


Netflix in Mexico and the Game of Cat and Mouse

February 29, 2016 0

Oh the struggles of paradise. Many of us miss our first world TV shows and having things on-demand. So what better way to fulfill this need than to use Netflix! Netflix is great, but it has one problem. The suits in charge of rights and distribution of movies and TV [……]



February 29, 2016 0

A picture is worth a thousand words!   There’s still work to be done in various places.


Akumal International Artists Residency in Guanajuato again

February 29, 2016 0

The Akumal International Artists Residency returns to Guanajuato in May.  Explore the magic of this Mexican gem city and work on your art. This residency event will be  May 5-26, 2016.  For more details go to  Apply now!!! Centro Bharati is 500(!) years old and is a former ashram. It is [……]


Carnaval Chemuyil 2016 – Magnifico!!

February 29, 2016 0

When the little pueblo of Chemuyil celebrates Carnaval – boy do they ever!! Every year Chemuyil has more and better attractions. Four days of celebration keeps the party going! This year a parade with a float was added and the dancing and costumes were just fabulous! For a little town, [……]