Just what is the North Akumal Road Status? Well, Vecinos of North Akumal hasn’t thrown in the towel. According to Henning, one of Vecinos guiding lights, it’s a matter of pulling in enough funds to get back to work. Funding comes from property owners along the road, businesses, donations, and membership dues in Vecinos de Akumal Norte.

The worst section remaining is between La Tortuga/La Mirage and Casa Maya. Vecinos has been in touch with owners of the properties to see if they would be willing to pave their section at this time. Vecinos has also had discussions with MM Desarrollos about paving the piece immediately to the north of Kokobeach, which their property abuts.
Anyone interested in joining Vecinos or making a contribution to the road fund can check out www.vecinosakumalnorte.com