Mayan Garden Club resumes with great plans

Mayan Final_Garden Club icon only (2)The Mayan Garden Club has resumed meetings and is planning a couple of exciting trips during October, one south and one north.  On October 22nd, we’re planning a “Coba Road Trip” to explore the vivero, the Honey store, Alfredo Gonzales, who makes museum replicas of Maya art, and the Talavera Store with lots of planter pots, plates, statutes and more. We hope our friend Victor is at the Talavera store. His uncle owns all the stores and with off season, he will bargain and give resident discounts.  Alfredo Gonzales is a really fascinating older man who speaks many languages – English, Maya, Greek, and Egyptian, and was honored by John Glenn, the astronaut. He sells his replicas and also takes orders.

On October 29th, we plan a trip north to Playa to Vivero Los Pinos  to see our friend Lupe, who has special Mayan Garden Club prices on every plant and tree you would ever need. The vivero is huge, and she will tell us about the plants and trees she has. You can also buy a peacock there!

The September meeting of the Mayan Garden Club was a great success. We had two new members join us from Tulum after seeing our web site.

Times and more information will be posted in AkumalNow and on the web site

For more information, write marguerite@mayangarden.club2015-09-17 001 2015-09-17 002 2015-09-17 001 2015-09-17 005

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