Gemini the Twins is a winter constellation, and can best be viewed during the month of January.

Cancer the Crab is a winter constellation and can best be viewed during the month of February.
1 Wally Koenst
3 Nash Cost-Knod
4 Betty McElhatten
4 Sharon Goby
4 Kai White-Brown
4 Elle Jolie DeAngelis
5 Paige Wright
8 Harry Bittner
10 Salvador
11 Kathy Sonheim
12 June Sloan
13 Richard Mazzola
14 Ellen Eanet
15 Bruce & Ellen Eanet, Anniversary
15 Zoe Pargot
16 Ingrid Clouther
16 Barbara Company
16 Gynna
18 Stephanie Motley
19 Hans Schmitthenner & Joan Potenza, Anniversary
19 Richard Dooley
20 Demetrio’s girls
21 Jim Farrell & Kathy Sonheim, Anniversary
21 Richard & Yijie Dooley, Anniversary
21 Steve Cole
21 Susanne Van Lierop
22 Kristi Chapman
22 Sam & Sharon Goby, Anniversary
25 Janet (Tricia’s mom)
25 Michael Schwartz
25 Katie & Joel Datica, Anniversary
26 Richard Glenn (Ricardo) & Mary Sue Northcutt, Anniversary
26 Beryl Van Lierop
29 Lunda Schwartz
29 Bud & Alice Blatner, Anniversary