1. My wife and I are so saddened to read of Annette’s passing. We were Christmas-time visitors in Akumal for over 30 years and once La Lunita opened, we made sure that we dined there trip after trip. Annette made us feel so welcome; remembering us and past conversations from year to year. We purchased a CD by Antonio Bribiesca in Mexico City on our way home to Vancouver, Canada, one year after being given the name of the album and artist by Annette after an evening of memorable dining and music at La Lunita. A year later, Anntte told us that she could not play that particular music for us because of a B&E and the theft of her music collection amongst other losses. We were so pleased to return the year after with a copy of the album for her. May Annette rest in peace. Bill & Leona; Vancouver, Canada

  2. Nos enteramos por casualidad. Aún nos faltan las palabras para describir la tristeza que sentimos, Annette fue una persona increíble con uns sonrisa inolvidable y la hija de una de las mejores amigas de mi madre.
    Mi hermana Michaela y yo la queríamos mucho y le mandamos nuestros más sincero pésame a su hermano Henning y su hijo Jan

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