Hekab Be Library Summer Plans







An update from Director Kaori Sueki:

Every summer, in late July/early August, we do a 3 or 4-week Summer Camp focusing on specific topics. This summer we are planning to do environmental interpretation and survival camps. We’ll teach the children skills that they can use in case they get lost in the jungle. We will teach what fruits you can eat and how to make traps to hunt animals, and to know what animals are poisonous. We’ll teach them how to build a shelter for sleep, how to look for water, and how to make a fire. At the end of the Camp, we will go hiking so the children can try to implement all that they learned in the summer camp course.

We will also have a night of constellation observation, where we’ll light a bonfire and tell stories and legends, observe the sky to learn the difference between planets and stars on Akumal beach, learn about the universe, our galaxy, and the solar system, and give thanks and appreciation for our beautiful planet.

Additionally, we will expand on the lessons learned by the children when they set up their own tiendas at Hekab Be to sell Christmas ornaments. We’ll teach the children about team-building, goal-setting and achievement, leadership, and motivation. They’ll learn the benefits of remaining calm, patient, and positive under pressure and to face their fears and insecurities. We’ll help them to discover that with proper planning and execution, they can achieve their goals and realize their potential in various situations of daily life. At the end of the course, they’ll create a little store at Hekab Be where the children will sell items that they have created to raise money. With that money, we hope to go to some camping areas and natural parks.

Hekab Be Amazon Wish List

Many of you have told us that you love buying much-needed supplies but it’s not practical to haul them down here in your suitcases. Now, you can shop away on our Amazon Wish List and items will be delivered directly to us in Akumal. Click HERE to start shopping! Or, if you’d rather provide financial support in another way, then scroll down to find all the donation options listed below. Here’s a couple of pictures of the kiddos and some of the items that you’ve sent us so far. Thanks so much to everyone who has chosen to support us in this way!


  1. This was a great issue with lots of interesting and relevant information: caves, carrots, kids’ school and activity needs! Thanks! One important question: if I order from Hekab Be’s Amazon wish list, what address should I use so items go to you, not me?

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