As I drove through Akumal, going to La Buena Vida for First Friday, I thought how quiet it was. Boy, I was in for a surprise when I entered the restaurant. Twenty-two people showed up for First Friday and it was a noisy, fun crowd. This is a big number for attendees for this time of the year. A big shout out to all who attended.
After Carlo spoke a few words and we raised our glasses to Robin and Mary, the evening progressed. This month’s judges picked Don Malcolm and his bright shirt, as the winner for June. Carlo had been walking around the restaurant and he found a young guy from Louisiana who was wearing the same shirt as Don! Unfortunately, we didn’t get his name, but we did get a photo.
Enjoy the photos and let’s see what July First Friday brings on July 7th, 5:00 at La Buena Vida.

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