Core-Building Exercises

To perform well at virtually any sport, even darts and Ping-Pong!, you need a strong core. A stronger core makes everyday life easier, too, resulting in fewer injuries, better posture and balance, and less back pain.

The core stretches from the pelvis all the way up to the neck and it surrounds the trunk — the central part of your body that houses most of the internal organs.   It includes abdominal muscles, the deep muscles in your pelvis, hips and back; smaller stabilizing muscles along your spine; and the diaphragm.  The core is your body’s power source that  transfers oomph from the legs to the upper body.  It gives you endurance and stability.


Works the internal obliques, erector spinae, transverse abdominis and the muscle groups that stabilize the vertebrae and pelvis.


— For more exercises read full article:   For a Stable, Strong Core, Forget About Crunches b

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