Birds of North Akumal

The following photos of birds of  North Akumal were captured near the Laguna Yal Ku and Tranquilidad properties. Who knew there was such a variety? Well, Darcy Rendell of Canada shot these photos during her 5 week stay.  Enjoy!

Bunting taken by Paul Sanchez Navarro
Bunting taken by Paul Sanchez Navarro
Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron
Hooded Oriole
Hooded Oriole
Magnificent Frigate
Magnificent Frigate
Plain Chachalaca
Plain Chachalaca
Semi-Palmated  Sandpiper
Semi-Palmated Sandpiper
White Winged Dove
White Winged Dove
Yellow Billed Cockatoo
Yellow Billed Cockatoo
Yellow Throated Warbler
Yellow Throated Warbler
Yucatan Jay
Yucatan Jay
Forsters Tern
Forsters Tern
Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican
Cinnamon Hummingbird
Cinnamon Hummingbird
Bare Throated Tiger Heron
Bare Throated Tiger Heron
Altamira Oriole
Altamira Oriole


  1. # 3 is not a hooded oriole because the hooded does not have a black head. It might be an ochre oriole, or a black cowled.

    # 11(unknown) may be a hooded, orange, or an altamira oriole — difficult to tell without view of back and wings.

    #13 is a squirrel cuckoo

  2. Loved your Birds of North Akumal site.. due to I have been
    trying to find out the names of all the one’s I see.

  3. We had a great time taking these photos! We love the people of Akumal and all the wonderful things about this community. We will be back again …. soon! And really just an amateur photographer with a local bird book so if someone else knows a better name for these guys than us I wouldn’t be surprised.

  4. The “unknown” bird is a scrub euphonia – they appear very similar to orioles and feed on the same plants – aloes, palm berries, oleandar, etc. but the euphonia is bright yellow and the oriole is more orange. Great photos of some of our neighbors! 🙂

  5. Thank you so much for the lovely pictures of some of the beautiful wildlife in Akumal. So many of these creatures go unappreciated.
    Thank you for sharing!

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