Best Shirt December 2014

Best Shirt Night in Akumal–The Background

On the first Friday of each month at Lol Ha Beach Bar from 5:30-6:30 pm (Happy Hour) men and women may participate in trying to win the coveted award of being recognized as having the Best Shirt for a given month.

The requirements are that the shirt must have buttons and a collar.  The Best Shirt Award is for one adult human—not couples, not dogs, not kids–even if they are precious!

This Award was started as a way to honor Robin Goble (1937-2006) and his penchant for wearing colorful shirts.  When he spotted someone else at “hora feliz” with a particularly fine shirt, Robin responded with, “Hey, I’ve been Out-Shirted tonight!”  Long-time tourists and later residents Bob and Diane Mather contacted Robin’s sister, Mary Henderson, about setting up this Award.  Bob and Diane designed and donated the trophy whose official name is “Robin’s Been Out-Shirted”.  Steve Clother, Editor and Staff Photographer of The Akumalian, began publishing the results in The Akumalian in January of 2007.  (See The Akumalian Archives for past winners).

Mary Henderson heads up the judging committee each first Friday; she asks two other people in attendance to serve on this ad hoc committee.  The winner poses with the trophy, receives a free drink from LolHa, and gets a photo in upcoming publications of AkumalNow.  The trophy then goes back to the display case located at the entrance to the Beach Bar.  Incidentally, artist Richard Mazzola did an original oil painting, “Akumal Faces”, to commemorate the Best Shirt Award (Robin is in the painting along with other notables), and this painting hangs above the trophy case.  Mary Henderson purchased the painting and gave it to LolHa Beach Bar, and Laura Wolfe donated the framing and plaque and maintains its upkeep.

So…guys and gals, when in Akumal on the first Friday every month, put on that colorful shirt and come to the LolHa Beach Bar at 5:30 pm!  It’s entertaining and – who knows- you may wind up the winner!

Best Shirt December 2014