Using Hydrogen Peroxide in the Garden
Whether your plants are in the ground, in containers, in raised beds, in a green house or in a hydroponic garden, they can benefit from hydrogen peroxide. All kinds of plants, roses, herbs, vegetables, fruit trees, shade trees, flowering plants, even your lawn can benefit from hydrogen peroxide.
Peroxide acts as an oxygen supplement for plants and supports good plant health and strong growth. It helps aerate the soil, acts as an anti-fungal as well as an anti-bacterial.
There are numerous ways to use peroxide in the garden:
• As a general fertilizer
• To heal sick plants.
• To feed plants in hydroponic gardens.
• To prevent infection.
• To control mold and mildew in the greenhouse.
• Sprouting seeds before planting.
• Rooting cuttings.
• To control mold or fungus on plants or in the soil.
• As a weed killer.
For detailed information on how to use and mix hydrogen peroxide in your garden, visit:
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