Yal Ku Lagoon is still a strong tourist attraction in North Akumal. And residents and property owners are active snorkelers here as well. The hours of operation are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, and they don’t plan to change for high season.
Admission is listed in $US : Adults – $14, Children – $10. Quintana Roo residents are charged $9 for adults and $6 for children. Pay in pesos at the going exchange rate.
Entrance fees are waived for residents/owners of Akumal Pueblo and Akumal Playa, with proper ID. The gentleman working the day we checked said that a copy of your resident card and a bill that lists your address (water, CFE or predial) should be submitted. Add your email address and local phone number. He also said that only residents/owners will be admitted gratis, not their guests.
Two things to remember: get there early and leave the sunscreen at home!
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