Vecinos de Akumal Norte News

The following is an open letter to Members and the general public from Dan Freeman, recently installed Vecinos President:

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Vecinos Members,

Thank you for entrusting me with the office of the presidency. This responsibility I will carry out to the best of my ability. I bring to the office a professional background of work with several social organizations. For thirteen years I was Director of Sales for the Philadelphia Zoological Society.  Through the Zoo’s management services I was the founding Sales Director for the Camden Aquarium in New Jersey.  In Philadelphia I served as President of the Washington Square West Civic Association.   This background will serve well to lead Vecinos and serve our community to its fullest.

My job is to put my organizational skills to work, keeping our organization’s structure disciplined and information moving from committees to the board, then through our new web site to our membership.  Organizational transparency and clarity of information is important so that the membership understands what Vecinos is doing. Better communication means we as a community move forward in lockstep to accomplish our goals.

Following this letter is a map that shows the structure of the organization and the mechanics of how projects begin in committee, then are researched, and a plan created for presentation to the board for final disposition and implementation.  Vecinos through its committees and Board have completed the installation of the community water system. At present we are working to complete restoration of the road from the pluma to Yal Kul Lagoon. This year already we have begun researching several new projects.


  1. Roads: Finish resurfacing the road. Research the building of a new entrance road for Akumal Norte.
  2. Sewage: Install central sewage system.
  3. Utilities: Put electric underground. Install solar street lighting.
  4. Park and Mangroves: Layout plan for the Park across from La Sirena.  Cleanup trash in the mangroves
  5. Municipalization (community regularization)

These projects are long-term and not without cost; however, completion of each project means improved service for the community and improvement of property values. All payments receive facturas for your tax returns.

Our organization is totally run by volunteers. Monies are collected on a project by project basis. These funds go straight into the projects they were collected for. Our offices are provided free by members. To increase our services and accomplish our goals, we always need new members. Only with your help and participation can we accomplish the goals set forth by the board. Membership in an organization has its responsibilities. Volunteer with us even if you are only here for short periods; your ideals and career experiences can play a vital role in the building and shaping of our community. Look over our committee list and volunteer where you feel you can contribute. To volunteer or donate please respond with your information to the email listed below. Your donations and help are greatly appreciated.


Last week we began the creation of our new inter-active web site. The site will include a newsletter and interactive membership and donation forms and an area for your questions. We are working on small magnetized refrigerator cards listing local emergency phone numbers. These will be distributed to all Akumal Norte residences.

Please email questions to the address below, answers may be slow in delivery; however, you are all important to us and we will answer as quickly as possible. I’m looking forward to a very productive two years for Vecinos, so please join us and help us make our community all it can be.



Dan Freeman, President

Asociación de Vecinos de Akumal Norte A.C.


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PARK DESIGN/MANGROVE CLEAN UP:   Diana Harris, Nominated Chair; Enrique Alcaraz

MUNICIPALIZATION: Gonzalo Arcila, Chair; Henning Bartsch, Jamie Cost

ROAD RESTORATION: Jamie Cost, Chair; Russ Motley

       NEW ROAD: Gonzalo Arcila, Terry Richardson

SECURITY: Terry Richardson, Chair; Jamie Cost, Monica Estrada

MEMBERSHIP & COMMUNICATION: Dan Freeman, Chair; Carly Flores, Mary Henderson

            ∗∗∗  Volunteer to help fill in these Committees!


  • Translate our by-laws into English
  • Build a new web site
  • Increase the membership
  • Enforce the structure and discipline of the organization. Keep us transparent to the community
  • Communications of any sort will be approved by the board so we move in lock step as an organization. Deals need to be approved.
  • Committees will evaluate and develop the best way to reach the Vecinos goals for betterment of the community as a whole. These reports will go to the board for final approval and disposition to the right destination.
  • No commitments for Vecinos will be made without the knowledge and consent of the board. When the whole board is not available then the executive board will be convened. Any final decisions all board members will be notified.


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