Vecinos de Akumal Norte Annual Meeting

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The Annual meeting of Vecinos de Akumal Norte took place on 25 February. Of the 53 existing members, 33 attended the meeting or were represented by proxy. Ten new members were welcomed into the Association.

Vecinos Board:

Changes were made to the membership of the Board as follows:

Henning Bartsch stepped down as President after 4 years of service, he was replaced by Dan Freeman.

Jamie Cost stepped down as Secretary and was replaced by Beryl van Lierop.

Both Henning and Jamie remain on the Board as Vocals.

Mary Henderson resigned from the Board.

Rhett Schober remains Vice-President, Tandy Muir-Warden continues as Treasurer, and Carly Flores, Santos Reyes, and Terry Richardson are the other Vocals.

Discussion Items:

  • the ongoing work to pave the road (Jamie Cost). Owners who have not yet contributed to the road paving are requested to provide funds, adocretos/bricks, or workers for their section.
  • the new community-based security operation (Terry Richardson). This undertaking started in January and is still in the development stage. Monthly reports will be provided to owners. It is hoped that AED machines and trained personnel will be available 4pm-4am within the next 2 months
  • the Treasurer’s report (Tandy Muir-Warden). The Association is barely covering its costs. Fees from new members and donations from the lagoon operations will provide additional income for the year. Members agreed that the Treasurer should contact owners who may not have paid the CAPA fee from 2012 and emergency road repair costs from 2014 in order to identify and collect the outstanding amounts.
  • regularization/municipalization (Gonzalo Arcila & Henning Bartsch) is going forward. This means Akumal Norte may qualify for government loans/grants for sewage, street lighting, and underground electric cables.

Turning to Other Business, new President Dan Freeman outlined some priorities for the coming year and the supporting Vecinos committee structure (Park/Jungle, Municipalization, Road, Security, and Membership). A new Website is currently under construction, and Vecinos is urging property owners in North Akumal to become members of the Association and to volunteer on the committees.

Two final items were raised: improving internet capacity by approaching Cablemás or Telmex/Fibreoptic for a proposal for service throughout the community, and municipal requirements regarding sewage and possible options.

Vecinos President Dan Freeman schmoozing after the meeting
Vecinos President Dan Freeman schmoozing after the meeting

Note:  Dan Freeman can be reached by email at

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