Dear Vecinos and Vecinos Members of Akumal Norte:
As we embark on the new year 2016, Vecinos of Akumal Norte Association is gearing up to make the community of Akumal Norte the best tourist destination and the best organized community in the Riviera Maya.
Vecinos is a volunteer organization. Its operational and project monies are provided through donations from our members and community.
Vecinos of Akumal Norte and the Municipal Government of Tulum have signed an agreement in which Vecinos is the only recognized legal entity representing Akumal Norte.
Through the advisory efforts of Vecinos de Akumal Norte, ADMAK and other property managers we have reached 70% regularization of Akumal Norte Properties.
Over two thirds of the road through Akumal Norte is now paved, paid for solely by voluntary donations.
Through efforts of this nature and projects such as the work with CAPA to complete the community’s water system, Vecinos is establishing good faith that our community is working to come into compliance with government mandates. This should help us to secure assistance from the government for future projects.
The municipal government has listed projects for our community that must be completed within a fixed schedule. Failure to meet these dates can result in significant fines.
Following is a list of ongoing and new projects for 2016. These projects all require donated funds from the community.
- ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION: Bringing the Vecinos web site, newsletter and community blog online. This will serve to insure better communications within our community.
- ROAD RESURFACING: We are now poised to pave the two worst stretches that remain. If the road in front of your property has not been resurfaced, please contribute money for its completion. The road is not a municipal responsibility so contributions to complete the entire road are needed. To make a contribution please contact us at the email address listed at the end of this letter.
- SECURITY: Our security chairman, working with the property managers and Vecinos members, has organized private security for the community of Akumal Norte.
- UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC AND STREET LIGHTING: These are mandated obligations our community will confront. Vecinos will continue working to try to secure help from the government with funding these projects.
- SEWAGE: Vecinos was able to negotiate a moratorium on the identification of properties with inadequate sewage disposal systems, which ends in May of 2016. The installation of a new sewage system has been mandated by the government. The cost to homeowners is estimated to be $10,000 USD. Of course condo buildings will be higher.
Vecinos Marketing and Membership Chairman
Dan Freeman
Hi my name is Tom Fulcher and I am a mayor of a small community in Saskatchewan Canada. My wife and I have been spending every February here during the past several years. We truly love the people we’ve met as well as the area/community. Congratulations on your recent successes and good luck with your upcoming projects. The new sewage upgrades, the road repairs and some new lighting will make a significant improvement to the area.
I read that you’re creating a newsletter? Will this be available to the public, similar to the one from Puerto Aventuras? This may be a good way to recruit volunteers for some projects from people like I who are here for an extended period of time? In any event, as a visitor to your community I just wish to say thank you for all your time and efforts regarding the aforementioned projects.
Tom and Karen Fulcher