Egg shells can be a great organic additive to your garden. They can be used for germination, to deter certain pests, as well as to add valuable nutrients to the soil. Use egg shells as seed starting containers This is an economical and sustainable way to start gardening. Since space is limited in your egg shell planter, this seed starting method works best for small, low growing plants such as herbs and flowers. Egg shells are an organic material and full of calcium, which helps plants thrive. Once the seedlings are ready to be transferred to a larger pot or planted in thegarden,you can put the entire shell into the ground where it will decompose and nourish both the soil and your plants. They are simple to prepare. ∙Start by saving your egg shells from breakfast and baking. Halve them and rinse them out thoroughly. ∙Create drainage by making a small hole in the base of each egg shell with a small needle. ∙Use a small spoon to add seed starting medium to the egg shell. Using seed compost rather than potting soil will allow the roots to grow freely and create a strong and healthy plant. ∙Add the seeds to the soil and gently push down, just until the seeds are fully covered. ∙Place the egg shells in an egg carton on your windowsill. Use a spray bottle to gently mist each egg shell with water every 2 to 3 days. Once [……]