Akumal Foodie

Is this a Carrot which I see before me . . .

June 30, 2023 0

The carrot is a sweet and tasty root vegetable with great texture.  When eaten raw, it has a nice crunch.  When cooked, it has a tender, creamy bite. As a child, you were probably told to eat your carrots because they’re good for your eyes.  There is truth to that, [……]


Hekab Be Library Summer Plans

June 30, 2023 2

            — An update from Director Kaori Sueki: Every summer, in late July/early August, we do a 3 or 4-week Summer Camp focusing on specific topics. This summer we are planning to do environmental interpretation and survival camps. We’ll teach the children skills that they [……]


Vecinos de Akumal Norte News

June 30, 2023 0

—from La Voz de Vecinos, June 2023 Mexico’s expanded anti-smoking law went into effect on January 15, 2023. By decree of President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, smoking is prohibited in hotels, parks, schools, shopping centers, churches, stadiums and other public places, indoors or out.  Police officers have the authority to [……]


First Friday – June 2023

June 30, 2023 0

As I drove through Akumal, going to La Buena Vida for First Friday, I thought how quiet it was. Boy, I was in for a surprise when I entered the restaurant. Twenty-two people showed up for First Friday and it was a noisy, fun crowd. This is a big number [……]


Which Fruits Are Highest and Lowest in Sugar?

June 30, 2023 0

I really thought fruit was good for me.  And it is.  Fruit supplies the body with fiber and essential nutrients. Fruit is also low in calories, sodium, and fat. But different fruits have different levels of sugar. Mangos One mango has 46 grams of sugar, so skip this fruit if [……]


Archeological Remains by the Thousands Along Train Route

June 30, 2023 0

As construction continues with the Maya Train project, more archeological discoveries are being made during the process.  Quintana Roo governor, Mara Lezama Espinosa, reported earlier this week that around 12,000 archeological remains were found along a section of the proposed train route. They were discovered in the area of front [……]

Akumal Foodie

Molcajetes: How to Buy and Use

June 30, 2023 0

If you like Mexican food, you’re probably familiar with the molcajete, the Mexican mortar and pestle, traditionally made of volcanic rock. Used by Mesoamerican civilizations to crush and combine ingredients like spices, chiles and herbs, the molcajete continues to be used for the same purposes and is often preferred over [……]


Kaax: Not Too Far Off the Beaten Path

June 30, 2023 0

The remains of grand Maya temples and cities can be found all over Yucatán, even inconspicuously “just sitting there” on the side of highways. Aerial view of Kaax, an unexcavated archaeological site in Yucatán. Photo: Carlos Rosado van der Gracht / Yucatán Magazine One example is Pirámides Puuc on the [……]


NPR Puzzle: Reversible Words

June 30, 2023 0

THE WEEKLY QUIZ FROM NPR PUZZLEMASTER WILL SHORTZ   https://www.npr.org/2023/03/05/1161192410/sunday-puzzle-in-reverse On air challenge: Today’s puzzle is called “Reversible Words.” I’m going to give you clues for two compound words. Switch the order of the parts of one to get the other. 1. Bit of movie filming that ends up not being [……]