
Mayan Garden Club Treks to Chan Chemuyil

February 29, 2016 0

The Mayan Garden Club traveled to Chan Chemuyil for their February meeting.  First stop was at Moira Hutchins-fuhr to view her container gardens. with an additional treat provided by the Maya culture that she has preserved in her home.  A tour of the two cenotes within Chan Chemuyil was next.  With amazement [……]

Nature and Critters

Coral Project Update: Expedition Akumal

February 29, 2016 2

Since we last reported this summer on Expedition Akumal, the underwater gardening is doing very well. In October the coral cuttings were started, and now 60 corals have been planted.  Of these, six have been successfully harvested and “fused” to the reef, that is, attached to living coral. Please join their Facebook Page [……]

Nature and Critters

MGC’s Out Our Backdoor – Lightning Bugs

February 29, 2016 0

Lightning Bugs or Fireflies Remember catching these in a jar with holes on the top?  You probably learned the hard and sad way to release them after a few hours. These are not really “flies” but beetles, members of the family Lampyridae, within the Coleoptera order.  Most lightening bugs are bioluminescent [……]


Semana Santa, La Pascua

February 29, 2016 0

We hear the term frequently at this time of year.  It means a very busy time for Akumal, but does everyone know the real meaning of these words?  Pascua is the Spanish term for Easter Sunday.   Semana Santa locally means vacation – spring break.  Schools and often businesses in Mexico close during [……]

No Picture

Vecinos de Akumal Norte Annual Meeting

February 29, 2016 0

      The Annual meeting of Vecinos de Akumal Norte took place on 25 February. Of the 53 existing members, 33 attended the meeting or were represented by proxy. Ten new members were welcomed into the Association. Vecinos Board: Changes were made to the membership of the Board as [……]

Nature and Critters

Aquaponic Garden Update

February 29, 2016 0

The Aquaponic Garden at LolHa is coming to life!  Lorrie Fossheim and her helpers have been very busy at work. Since we last updated, styrofoam has been cut and placed on the gardens to float the potted plants when ready for transplanting from the nursery.  Only the plant roots will [……]


Xcacel-Xcacelito 18th Anniversary

February 29, 2016 0

The 18th Anniversary of Xcacel-Xcacelito was celebrated on 22 February 2016.  The event was attended by Tulum Muncipal President David Balam Chan, Director of Biological Reserve Garden of Eden Dr. Marco Antonio Lazcano Barrero, Head of the Department of protected nature at Xcacel Emanuel Peace Pérez, Director of Centro Ecológico [……]


February Fund Raising in Akumal

February 29, 2016 0

February was a great month for fund raising at LolHa Restaurant and Snack Bar.  Super bowl action helped raise money for new fencing needed around the Community Center of Akumal Pueblo. Local residents and guests purchased commemorative T-shirts and also could purchase squares on a betting board. The total raised was $40,554 [……]

Nature and Critters

MGC’s Tip of the Month – Mexican Orchid Tree

February 29, 2016 0

The Mexican Orchid Tree produces clusters of feathery white flowers from late spring to late fall.  The plant can be the size of a large shrub or a tree, growing up to 15 – 20 feet tall and spreading..  Its white flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds.   This fast growing plant prefers full [……]


Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution

February 29, 2016 0

Constitutional Article 27 is being cited by Akumal protesters to support their position on keeping open the traditional access to Akumal Bay.  It appears in full below. The referencing Article about protests is here. Article 27. Ownership of the lands and waters within the boundaries of the national territory is [……]