Interesting Facts

How Fast Do Champagne Corks Fly?

December 31, 2023 0

It’s impossible to pinpoint just how much that tension-bursting “pop!” adds to the enjoyment of a bottle of Champagne, but human ingenuity has found ways to measure the speed at which a cork shoots from its mooring. In 2008, a German scientist calculated that the average speed of a Champagne cork [……]


Walking Your Way to Over-all Good Health

December 31, 2023 0

All walking is exercise. If you are moving your body, you are burning calories and experiencing other health benefits. You should walk at a pace and duration that is sustainable, which can look different for each person. A walking speed of 2 to 3 mph is considered moderate, and most [……]

Nature and Critters

Sky Excitement for January 2024

December 31, 2023 0

↓ Something to look forward to next week. Orion’s Belt  (my personal favorite) Orion’s Belt is one of the oldest constellations.  It consists of three stars: from east to west, they are Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. Separately, these three supergiant stars are several times more massive than the sun, and [……]


Akumal Guest Services Open

December 31, 2023 0

Akumal Direct Reservations has opened a guest services office, located at the pool end of Del Sol Hotel.  All vacationers are welcome to use the services whether they’ve booked through ADR or not.  Tour info is available — or if you’d like to book a chef, you can find out [……]


A Slice of … Delicious!

December 31, 2023 0

If you are ever craving a sweet treat, look no further than our very own Akumal resident, Yamile Medina. Yamile moved here from Campeche with her mother at the age of sixteen to join her brother who was already living here.  She has called Akumal home for the last 30 years, [……]


Vecinos Call for Candidates

December 31, 2023 0

  CALL FOR CANDIDATES FOR VECINOS BOARD OF DIRECTORS At the Vecinos Annual Meeting, which will take place in person in Akumal Norte and via Zoom videoconference on February 22, 2024, there will be an election for Vice President and Secretary of the Association, along with five Members-at-Large of the Association [……]

Akumal Foodie

Kiwi: More Than Just a Pretty Face

December 31, 2023 0

With a pop of sweet, refreshing, and slightly tangy flavor, the kiwi is among the most beloved tropical fruits.  It has a thin, slightly fuzzy, light-brown skin with green, sweet-tart fruit on the inside.  Although the skin may not look inviting, it’s packed with nutrients and perfectly safe and healthy [……]


Tren Maya Trivia

December 31, 2023 0

  ♦ First images of the all-female Tren crew at San Francisco Station , Campeche.               ♦ Did you know the seat design is inspired by Mayan glyphs and the blue of the Mexica Caribbean Sea?     ♦ You won’t have to go [……]


Chaac Mool: Mysterious Origins and Meaning

December 31, 2023 0

The Chaac Mool is one of the most enduring and well-known icons of México’s ancient past.                         But the meaning and role behind the Chaac Mool during antiquity is hotly disputed. In reality, even the name of this reclined [……]