
New Laws Governing Sale of Alcohol in Q.Roo

February 7, 2019 0

Just thought you’d like to know . . . − from Mexico News Daily, Wednesday, February 6, 2019 Quintana Roo puts new limits on hours of alcohol sales Stores will be prohibited from selling alcoholic drinks after 11:00pm New legislation in Quintana Roo limits the hours in which alcoholic beverages [……]


Yoga in Akumal

February 7, 2019 0

AkumalNow would love to publish the Yoga Schedule. If anyone has this info, will you please email


News from the Renamed Mayan Home and Garden Club

February 3, 2019 0

The next few months will bring a wide variety of meetings from the Mayan Home and Garden Club. Please join us. February: Farewell party On Feb 21, 2pm we will go to the home of Muriel and Lea in Tulum to wish them farewell as they move to the Outer [……]